Saturday 21 November 2015


Let's talk about something about history. Don't afraid I am not going to talk about any historical moment, incededent or something else just want to share some of thoughts about history. Let's imagine we are watching a movie clip, where one carecter aged between 40 - 50 shoot a boy of about 20year age. What should come in your mind. Offcource maximum will identify the vilen as the aged carecter. Let's rewind the clip and make it lil longer. The boy is now rape a teen age girl and then through her on a rail way track to die. The aged man is her father asked Justice from the Police, Court and society but gets nothing and thereafter he decided  to kill the boy. What will be your expression now.Lets rewind the clip once more make it lil moro longer. The boy is now 4year old & the aged man is now a young one. He kills the boy's whole family unkindly. Now some of you will get confused. The clips may be more longer let force your thought to a different track. The history that we read/ larn in our school is same a part clip which was intentionally edited by the ruler to force or influence our thought  in feber to our rulers. May the Adlof Hitler was known as for his glory if he was the winner.

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