Sunday 3 November 2013


“Hinduism” is the oldest living religion in the world. Its well known to many of us that the people lived besides the river called Sindhu are called Hindu by a miss-pronunciation of "Arya's". According to the Ramayana the hindu epic, the city of Ayodhya is 9,000 years old, and was founded by Manu & the religion is still there. As Maharishi Valmiki has recorded the position of different planets vis-a-vis zodiac constellations and nakshatras (visible stars) in Bal Kaand Sarga 18 and Shloka 8 & 9(1/18/8, 9) when Shri Rama was born, This data was fed into the Planetarium Goldsoftware, and the result found 10th of January noon time in the year 5114 BC if viewed from latitude/longitude of Ayodhya (25°N 81°E) means 7127 years before.The Great War of Mahabharat between the Pandavas and the Kauravas happened in 3139 BC. The Pandavas, after winning the Mahabharat war, ruled Hastinapur for 36 years and 8 months until the beginning of kaliyug in 3102 BC. This all shows the history of golden era of the Hinduism. Among all this also shows how old is our Indian Culture is.

Unlike most other religions, Hinduism has no single founder, no single scripture, and no commonly agreed set of teachings. Throughout its extensive history, there have been many key figures teaching different philosophies and writing numerous holy books. For these reasons, writers often refer to Hinduism as 'a way of life' or 'a family of religions' rather than a single religion. That’s why there is no way (Path) to be a Hindu other than by birth. Anyone want to convert in to other religion is there a path but to convert to a Hindu there is no such path. Therefore debate could be continuing that Hinduism is a culture rather than a religion.

As Hinduism is a very old religion its culture rules & regulation are very difficult to understand. To make popular Hinduism we needs to understand it. A easy way is to translate all the epics & Hindu Scripture in most popular Indian Language like Hindi, Bengali, Marathi & in English and publish those in market in a very low price. In festival if all the mantras used are translated to the local language, then it will attract more people towards there own Dharma. Now a very Little no of people understand the meanings of mantras used in Hindu festival. The Sanskrit Language is not a well known language for now a day therefore mantras in Sanskrit dose not give any meaning to the common people, Everyone wants to know what pray has been made to GOD & for that local language is the best media. Now the fact is who will take the charge to translate all these Hindu Scriptures & epics is there any one.     

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